Midiativa advised a group of young people to hold movie sessions in the polycultural space of UNAS in Heliópolis, São Paulo (2012), within the scope of the Jovens Urbanos (Urban Youth) project (Itaú Social Foundation, 6th edition). Midiativa, with its experience in seminars, debates, events, screenings and workshops about media, children and adolescents, offered to support young people in terms of planning, organizing, curating and producing an exhibition in the community. The activity aimed to train young people so that they could examine the conditions to continue the activities of audiovisual screenings and all the details and responsibilities involved in such an event. The training resulted in two audiovisual screenings for children in the region held in the same year.

Mostra Cinekids, divulgação.

Equipe de produção, divulgação.
Equipe de produção, divulgação.