The project Midiativa Suitcase: a critical look at the media for children and adolescents held workshops on critical reading of TV for public school teachers, using original educational material developed by our team – the Educator’s Notebook, which brings general information about television in Brazil, data on the Media-Children-Youth relationship, the use of TV in the classroom, technical aspects of audiovisual productions, among other topics. Apart from that, this workshop brings a selection of high quality programs, including parts of the Prix Jeunesse Iberoamericano and comKids Festivals collection. With UNICEF support, in 2003 the project reached 500 educators in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Bahia and Ceará, and could be adapted to other audiences, such as parents, media professionals and communication students.
These activities aimed to encourage teachers and social agents to use content for young audiences as a starting point for discussing better quality television and topics such as ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity, fighting all forms of violence and intolerance. The Midiativa goal is to foster understanding and respect for cultures and thoughts from different Continents, as well as the promotion of social equality, and a national culture of solidarity, tolerance, and respect for the rights of children and adolescents. In 2014, Midiativa presented a Specil suitcase for Sesc agents and the general community. See the publication.
IMG: O Filho do Vizinho, 2011, Pavirada Filmes, promotion.