The TVQ seminars were born in 1999, in partnership with Sesc, with the realization of the 1st TVQ – Latin American Meeting on Quality TV, which brought more than 10 International Specialists. In December 2003, Midiativa started a series of annual meetings with the international seminar TVQ – Children, Adolescents and Media, in partnership with Sesc São Paulo and USP (Sao Paulo University). Targeted at journalists, media professionals (television, cinema, advertising, internet, etc), parents, researchers and educators, the seminar discussed the different views on media and childhood in Universities, Research Centers, Civil Society, Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations. The event was supported by Sesc Vila Mariana, UNESCO, ANDI (News Agency for Children’s Rights), UNICEF, Prix Jeunesse Foundation, and CENPEC. By bringing international and Brazilian personalities to these meetings, Midiativa sought to fulfill its mission of strengthening the debate about the quality of the media targeting children and young people in Brazil.
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