The Vilativa project was a partnership between the educational institution Escola da Vila and Midiativa, in the years 2006 and 2007. In this project, high school students acted as curators of an exhibition that was shown to children between 6 and 10 years old from the same school. The goal of Vilativa was to make the students understand the concept of quality TV. In all, there were five meetings, with screenings of several programs from different countries, which are part of Midiativa the Midiateca’s collection.
This kind of work awakens the students’ critical sense and contributes to an improvement in pedagogical development. “These activities, inserted in the current context of discussions about media, quality TV, digital system, etc., provide great learning and enriching experiences. In this way, these teenagers will become propagators of the principles that TV programs should have”, comments Márcia Padilha, the project’s coordinator. Thirty films from different countries and cultures were shown, most of them coming from the partnership between Midiativa and Prix Jeunesse Festival. With this, the students were able to choose, through debates on various themes, the most suitable for the showcase that took place for the younger students.
Image of the highlight: Vilativa Project, publicity.