Science Film Festival Brazil takes place for the 6th time in 2024. The theme is Net Zero and Circular Economy. The Science Film Festival (SFF) is [...]
In 2010, a network of Latin American channels and producers came together to make the first Latin American co-production about the World Cup and children for television, “The World Cup and [...]
Midiativa advised a group of young people to hold movie sessions in the polycultural space of UNAS in Heliópolis, São Paulo (2012), within the scope of the Jovens Urbanos (Urban Youth) project [...]
Senha Verde (“Green Password”, in English) is the result of an initiative that aims to consolidate a network formed by the Goethe-Institut and Latin American public channels that carry out [...]
The “Minha vez” (My turn) is the result of a partnership between comKids and the Dutch Non-Governmental Organization Free Press Unlimited, which works with children’s right to information [...]
The TVQ seminars were born in 1999, in partnership with Sesc, with the realization of the 1st TVQ – Latin American Meeting on Quality TV, which brought more than 10 International [...]
With leadership of Midiativa, together with MultiRio, after Melbourne (Australia), London (UK) and Thessaloniki (Greece), Rio de Janeiro hosted the 4th World Summit on Media for Children and [...]
In 2003, Midiativa started MídiaQ in partnership with the Fundação AVINA. The objective was to generate references for achieving quality on TV, based on public opinion, besides evaluating the [...]
The Vilativa project was a partnership between the educational institution Escola da Vila and Midiativa, in the years 2006 and 2007. In this project, high school students acted as curators of an [...]
In 2006 and 2007, Midiativa carried out training activities with Play TV’s (a Brazilian pay-TV broadcaster) team of professionals, focused on the quality of TV programming and production [...]