Executive Secretary of Midiativa – Brazilian Media Center for Children and Adolescents and producer at Singular, Mídia e content (current). Graduated in Letters (port. and esp.), Master and Doctor in Linguistics and Semiotics (French line) from the University of São Paulo – USP, where he carried out research on the themes of emancipation, protagonism, youth, narrativity and semiotics. Since 2009, he has collaborated with the portal and festivals comKids and Midiativa, where he performs activities related to curatorship, production, implementation, strategy and planning. He is also one of those responsible for training workshops on looking, citizenship and experimentation at the comKids educational center, having carried out activities for children in national and international institutions (Sesc SP, Museum of Image and Sound, Caixa Cultural, Unibes Cultural, others). Jury at International Festivals of audiovisual content, such as Festival Ojo de Pescado (Chile, 2016), Science Film Festival (Brazil, 2016), Fan Chile (Chile, 2019), Festival Kolibri (Bolivia, 2021), Festival BIG – Games de Impact (Brazil, 2021 and 2022). Production assistant in the production of the Brazilian episodes of the series “The day I became strong” (2020, Maya Goetz / Canal Futura, Germany / Brazil). Researcher for two Brazilian episodes of the series “Pichintún” (2021, CNTV / Singular, Chile / Brazil). Producer at Science Film Festival Brasil 2019 – 2021. Festival Coordinator comKids Prix Jeunesse Iberoamericano 2021 and comKids Interativo (Brazil, 2020 and 2022).
IMG: Danila Bustamante / comKids